Collaboration Not Competition

Obtain Sharepoint API token using REST

April 09, 2019

  1. Find your SharePoint tenant id using{yourTenantName}/.well-known/openid-configuration. YourTenantName is usually something like The tenant Id will be returned in the JSON response just after ””.
  2. If you have an Azure subscription set up an Azure AD App Registration - If you don’t have an Azure subscription then you can set up a SharePoint App Registration. I prefer to use Azure AD as it is easier to go back and generate new client secrets or expire unused ones.
  3. Grant access permissions to SharePoint for the App Registration by going to https://[yourSharePointTenantName] Lookup the app you created in step 2 using the clientId and add the following Permission Request XML
  4. Get a client secret from the Azure AD app registration -> Settings -> Keys blade
  5. Use Postman to call[yourSharePointTenantId(see step 1)]/tokens/OAuth/2?Content-Type=application/x-www-form-urlencoded. The body requires the following form-data: granttype: clientcredentials clientid: [App reg id] clientsecret: [App reg secret] resource: 00000003-0000-0ff1-ce00-000000000000/[yourSharePointTenantUrl]@[yourTenantId]
  6. You now have a token that can be used to call SharePoint API endpoints.